PARTS Identification Sessions
Sometimes trauma is so overwhelming that it can cause an individual to dissociate into "parts". PARTS Work Therapy is an approach to healing developed to assist clients in identifying disowned, vulnerable, or scared parts of themselves that have been created during times of chronic or acute traumatic events. Many times there are perceptions, unidentified emotions or other blockages preventing the integration of these "Parts". If the parts have not yet been identified or if you do not know all the details of how your "Parts" are feeling, how many you have, or, and what they need to return to wholeness, I offer this Advanced PARTS Identification session.
Unlike normal Parts Work Therapy, where you work with a therapist over many sessions to discover your "parts", this type of Advanced Parts Work is very different. In this session, I will tell you each "Part" that you have and the traumas or programs that are associated with and affecting you from each "Part". This saves you time and money in therapy, trying to discover all of the emotions and perceptions of each "Part" over time.
This session is even more effective when paired with Brainspotting when there are emotions that that have not yet been processed that have been triggering you into traumas responses in everyday life. To remedy this, I offer a Brainspotting/PARTS Identification Combo below. Brainspotting Therapy Technique helps with processing those emotions and memories. If there are many issues you would like to work through I suggest booking a Brainspotting Trauma Therapy Package.
In the Dual Brainspotting/Identification session, we will first go over all of your "Parts" in discussion and then you can decide what issue you would like to focus on in the Brainspotting session. We will then take a 1o min break and then move into a 1-hour Brainspotting session. All of this is over Zoom.
Younger versions of yourself may not feel safe to come back, or sometimes a more vulnerable aspect may feel like your current emotional or psychological environment isn't ideal. This is usually due to an imbalance in the body and energy field due to other traumas and perceptions that may be causing emotional imbalances like angry, aggression, low self-worth, and so on. For this reason, I highly suggest starting with a Trauma Identification Full Session which is a comprehensive session to identify all other blockages which will make it difficult to integrate these "Parts". In that session, I can determine if you even need PARTS Work or a different service all together, or maybe that is all you need.
PARTS Identification Session
This scan will include:​
PARTS Identification Scan:
I will do this part on my own prior to our discussion. I do not need your participation (just your consent to access your information during the reading, which you are providing by booking the session).
1-Hour Discussion:
This will be over the phone.
We will discuss:
* How many "Parts" you have
* What traumas, programs and emotions each one is experiencing
* How each of them may be affecting your life based on the location affected.
PARTS Identification & Brainspotting Therapy Combo Package
This session will include:​
Multi-Dimensional PARTS Scan:
I will do this part on my own prior to our discussion. I do not need your participation (just your consent to access this information during the reading, which you are providing by booking the session).
1-Hour Discussion:
This will be over the phone.
We will discuss:
*How many "Parts" you have
*What traumas, programs and emotions each one is experiencing
*How each of them may be affecting your life based on the location affected.
One 1-hour Brainspotting Trauma Therapy: This will be a focused session on the chosen trauma/perception/emotion you would like to work through. This Session is scheduled separately.